


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Going to a chapel, going to get married.

Actually it's not a chapel, it's a barn.  And we're getting married, but not legally married because the government of Michigan is still terrified of the GAY MENACE.  But I digress.

Our wedding is coming up in October and we're in the throes of planning and panic, which I hear is customary.  I'm doing some crafting for the gig, which will include:
  • my wedding headband, with autumn leaves and bling
  • A necklace and earrings for my ensemble
  • the flowers, from boutonnieres to bouquets.
  • a wishing tree made with LED branches, so our guests can use those neat scratchy magic color things in the shape of leaves and hang them on the tree.  This is our guestbook.
  • some of the gifts for our wedding party
This is me:

Photo from Arizona in August
It's overwhelming, yes.  But this blog is going to take a little side tour into wedding crafting territory occasionally until after our big day.  I hope to share photos and maybe even some in process material if I remember.  I'm usually halfway through a project when I think, "Huh - I should have documented this."

The wedding is on a very tight budget because we're paying for everything ourselves, being quite light on family and lacking in the parental department.  That said, I think we're doing a great job and being practical, ignoring a lot of the wedding propaganda that insists you must spend every last dime and/or go into debt to give your guests programs printed on gold leaf and personalized toilet paper.  No.

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